Welcome SAC! Thanks for your support...

cover of Break Out of Boredom

My audacious goal is 100+ Amazon reviews by the launch date: March 13, 2023.
Thanks for your support! I could not do this without you.


“Break Out of Boredom:

Low-Tech Solutions for

Highly Engaging Zoom Events” 

If virtual programming is part of your business model as a speaker, coach, or course creator, you cannot afford to use skills and settings stuck in 2020. It’s likely you now have Zoom basics down. The problem is that basic skills are not enough to stand out as a top-notch virtual presenter.

You don't need a high-tech recording studio with a green screen, hair light (that's a real thing), and fancy software to level up your Zoom game. Focus on improving your technique rather than your technology. Robbie's book will help you design transformative, inclusive, and engaging online experiences. 

Robbie shares how to use the latest features and online facilitation techniques to structure your events, so everyone feels welcomed instead of merely invited. You’ll learn how to use purpose-first design to create sessions that move participants from inspiration to action.

The book is chock full of strategies, checklists, and step-by-step guides.

Does this pique your interest? Willing to write an Amazon review? Press the button below to join my book launch team.

You'll be asked to provide your name and email address, and then you will be redirected to a Google form.

Why a Google Form? It's a great way to share with me how you would like to support this book launch so I can personalize your experience.

You can also share the connections, skills, and talents you could use to help make this book a huge success.

My promise is to support you. You set the intention to support this book and I will make it as easy as possible for you to follow through with your intention.

As a thank you, receive:

  • an advance PDF copy of the book (through March 5),
  • a reminder to download the $2.99 Kindle book (reg. $15) available on March 6 on Amazon; the print book will be available on March 27,
  • early access to all the book's resources (starting with the PDF & VIDEO INSTRUCTIONS: One Monitor? Share full-screen PowerPoint while viewing your notes, chat, participant list, and 24 participant videos. (Yes, it's possible!) which you'll receive as soon as you sign up - check your inbox for an email from me),
  • an invitation to attend my "Low-Tech Solutions for Highly Engaging Zoom Events" training on March 28, 2023 (replay will be available if you cannot attend live)
  • 10 pro bono trainings available for organizations connected to the launch team,
  • an invitation to attend the book launch debrief meeting (what we did, what worked, and what we would do differently),
  • and my deepest gratitude for your continued support!

*What do launch team members do? My goal is 100+ "verified purchase reviews" on Amazon. To achieve that, launch team members receive an "advance reader copy" PDF of the book, so they are prepared to purchase the Kindle version (you don't need a Kindle to do this) on one of the days it is $2.99 and leave a review. There are lots of other ways to support this book launch being successful, but that alone would be tremendously helpful. Thank you for signing up! I can't wait to hear the action you take because of this book.

Robbie@RobbieSamuels - www.RobbieSamuels.com