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Susan Friedmann

Susan works with nonfiction authors in a niche market who are passionate about using their books to make a difference.

As a book marketing mentor, Susan helps authors sell their books in large quantities to specialized markets. She has personally written 18 books and sold over 500,000 copies of her first publication. For over 30 years, her company, Aviva Publishing, has published over 500 titles and worked with hundreds of non-fiction authors, helping them gain recognition in their specific fields.

Susan’s zone of genius is intuitive coaching, helping and guiding nonfiction authors to find their perfect audience. With a sharp understanding of the book industry, she helps authors tap into potentially profitable gaps in the marketplace where they can become recognized expert authorities in their specific areas of expertise.

A gift for you...

50 Lazy Book Marketing Ideas
To inspire & motivate action - however small.

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Susan Friedmann is a white woman with short brown hair and a big smile

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Resources to help entrepreneurs become successful authors...

Editing Services

  • developmental editing
  • manuscript editing
  • copy editing
  • proofreading

Book Cover Services

  • feedback about the title
  • cover copy writing
  • cover copy editing
  • cover design

Book Design Services

  • print book design and layout
  • ebook formatting

Publishing Services

  • keyword strategy
  • category selection strategy
  • pricing strategy
  • book description writing
  • book description editing
  • author bio writing
  • author bio editing
  • Library of Congress registration
  • setting up ISBN
  • provide imprint (publisher name)
  • hybrid publishing (author owns 100% of the book and the profits)

Book Marketing Services

  • author platform-building strategies
  • re-purpose books to create other types of content (tip books, social posts, courses, workshops, etc.)
  • promote the book to our list
  • speaker one-pager (one-sheet)
  • done-with-you selling books in bulk in a niche market

Biz Book Launch Coaching Services

  • coaching to identify the ideal reader/prospect

Looking for more resources to help
you become a successful author?