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Shelley Dolley

Shelley's ideal clients are business speakers who write business books. Her focus is on how to best navigate the business speaking industry. She works with authors at various levels of success, from those who have published a book or two to well-known, best-selling authors.

Shelley worked closely with the legendary Tom Peters for over 20 years, becoming his COO. She shares an industry insider’s perspective with her clients on the most effective strategies to widen their fan base, launch their next book, and garner higher speaking fees.

Shelley has coached and collaborated with a wide variety of business authors on brand strategy, book launch events, product development, book tours, contract negotiation, social media strategy, and client relations.

A gift for you...

30-minute exploration call
My time is the most valuable gift I can offer you.

white woman with brown hair and gold hoop earrings


Resources to help entrepreneurs become successful authors...

Book Proposal Services

  • book proposal evaluations

Publishing Services

  • traditional publishing (publishers and guidance to get published)

Book Launch Services

  • strategy for getting high-profile book endorsements

Book Marketing Services

  • author platform-building strategies
  • email list-building strategies
  • marketing plan resources & consultation
  • guidance around selling books to companies

Business Book Launch Coaching

  • coaching to leverage the book to sell a separate product or service
  • coaching to identify a lead magnet

Looking for more resources to help
you become a successful author?