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Marjorie Turner Hollman

Aspiring authors who know they want to self-publish are a great match for Marjorie's skills as a developmental editor and book coach. The independent/self-publishing process can be intimidating. Authors who want to go this route will get support, strategies, and clear explanations for how to avoid pitfalls and get their work out into the world.

Collaborating with an editor and/or book coach is a relationship that must work for both partners. Marjorie talks with potential clients to help clarify what they need. If a proposed project is a good fit for both, then onward! Respect for each other is essential. The type of books Marjorie helps with require hard work for both writer and editor. The process is also sure to have an element of fun. Life is too short to undertake work you can't enjoy.

Here's a testimonial from one of Marjorie's valued clients: “Throughout the process, your recommendations and encouragement improved my book and energized me when I was tired of the whole thing! I was privileged to have your high-quality participation in the creation of 'For the People, Against the Tide.' I never would have gotten to the publication of my book without you.” - Kathleen Teahan, author, former Massachusetts state legislator

A gift for you...

Self-Publishing 101
Step-by-step broad overview of the self-publishing process with helpful links

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Marjorie Turner Hollman is a white woman with long salt and pepper hair, she's smiling and holding walking sticks while wearing a yellow rain coat

Mention the Biz Book Publishing Hub to receive 10% off self-publishing support services.


Resources to help entrepreneurs become successful authors...

Writing Services

  • ghost writing
  • strategy session, complimentary 15-30 minute
  • coaching, one-on-one (more than a single session)
  • re-purposing content to create a book

Editing Services

  • developmental editing
  • manuscript editing

Book Proposal Services

  • manuscript evaluation

Publishing Services

  • category selection strategy
  • book description writing
  • author bio writing
  • setting up Amazon Author Central page
  • publish on Ingramspark

Book Launch Services

  • strategies to get 50+ Amazon reviews

Book Marketing Services

  • getting into bookstores, guidance
  • getting into libraries, guidance
  • podcast guest placement

Business Book Launch Coaching

  • coaching to identify the ideal reader/prospect

Looking for more resources to help
you become a successful author?