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Judy Baker

Judy works with nonfiction authors who are business owners, coaches, and consultants.

She helps remove the friction from marketing nonfiction. She is on a mission to help authors make real money from their books and leave a lasting legacy. Since 2011, she has coached hundreds of authors, helping them turn lackluster results into sustainable strategies for monetizing their books and attracting business.

Judy meets authors where they are in their journey. She offers workshops, coaching, and leads group programs.

A gift for you...

Three Ways to Profit from
Giving Your Book Away
Unlock strategies for coaches and
consultants who don't like to sell.

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Resources to help entrepreneurs become successful authors...

Book Design Services

  • book description writing
  • author bio writing
  • author bio editing

Book Launch Services

  • relaunch campaign strategies with a focus on building a pipeline
  • strategies to build a 100+ person launch team with a focus on building a pipeline
  • strategies to get 50+ Amazon reviews

Book Marketing Services

  • author platform-building strategies
  • email list-building strategies
  • marketing plan resources & consultation
  • re-purpose books to create other types of content (tip books, social posts, courses, workshops, etc.)
  • LinkedIn for authors strategy
  • add book to Goodreads
  • promote the book to our list
  • speaker one-pager (one-sheet)
  • podcast guesting strategies

Business Book Launch Services

  • coaching to identify the ideal reader/prospect
  • coaching to leverage the book to sell a separate product/service
  • coaching to discover likely prospects and referral partners from within the author's existing network
  • coaching to identify a lead magnet
  • coaching to create an integrated author brand with an emphasis on organic over paid advertising

Looking for more resources to help
you become a successful author?