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Jennifer Wilkov

I work with most any writer at any level at any stage. I work with nonfiction, fiction (everything except horror), and children's (no board books). I also work with screenwriters, scriptwriters and playwrights.

I'm known as the "Dear Abby of Publishing", "the Encyclopedia of Publishing (by literary agent colleagues)", The Literary Agent Matchmaker™️, and the Make It Happen Girl. I am a multi #1 international best-selling, award-winning author. For nearly 20 years, I've been an award-winning freelance writer and a creative and story consultant. I help first-time writers and seasoned authors with no platform become tops in their fields, debut authors become best-selling and award-winning authors with the writing, editing, marketing, publishing, and taking books beyond into films, tv, episodic streaming, and the stage.

Publishers and literary agencies call on me to edit their clients' manuscripts to prepare them to publish. I have also helped well-known debut authors like the Grammy Award-winning co-producer of Fleetwood Mac get published and was his national book marketing campaign for the first year when his book released. I assist writers with all 5 ways to publish (traditionally with or without an agent, self-publishing, e-publishing and audiobook publishing), all 4 ways to market (before/during/after the release of the book, a marketing strategic platform plan to build out your book as a business over 18 months, an Amazon Bestseller Campaign and awards campaign to become a best-selling award-winning author, and a speaking platform to become a paid public speaker), and am a member of the Editorial Freelance Association.

Unique to Your Book Is Your Hook is my Office Hours appointments I offer writers to answer questions about the publishing and entertainment industries, troubleshoot issues, and provide guidance and direction they need for their best next steps with their projects.

I produce and offer The Next Bestseller™ Workshop, an immersive virtual weekend where writers receive practical training to learn to properly pitch and present your story and project to book publishing industry professionals, Hollywood, the media and others. It provides access to seasoned industry experts who will train you to pitch your project and how to fashion your hooks to engage the attention of the decision makers like them. With more than 10 years of writers coming through the workshop, we have seen writers blossom with stories going to literary agents, publishers, and Hollywood producers.

I also curate a writers room - The Make It Happen Room - where I provide guidance, inspiration, accountability and structure so you can write your project with depth, emotion, great plots, informative structures, and finish what you started.

A gift for you...

Learn These Two Top Query Letter Secrets (in Just 10 Minutes!)

If you have any desire to get a literary agent and traditionally publish your novel or book with a publisher, large or small, you need to submit it with a query letter.

Whether you are preparing to submit your novel or book to literary agents or if you have started to submit it and are tired of getting rejected, learn these top two query letter secrets to make yours stand out!

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Mention the Biz Book Publishing Hub and receive a 10% discount on Office Hours appointments, clinics, webinars, and workshops.


Resources to help entrepreneurs become successful authors...

Writing Services

  • ghost writing
  • strategy session, complimentary 15-30 minute
  • idea development/strategy session, one or two-hour (or longer)
  • office hours
  • coaching, one-on-one (more than a single session)
  • accountability partners
  • writing retreat, virtual
  • writing "challenge" (e.g., Five-Day Challenge)
  • asynchronous content (e.g., online course)
  • re-purposing content into a book

Editing Services

  • developmental editing
  • manuscript editing
  • copy editing
  • proofreading
  • fact checking

Book Proposal Services

  • manuscript evaluation
  • query letter writing
  • query letter editing
  • book proposal evaluations
  • book proposal writing
  • book proposal editing

Book Design Services

  • feedback about the title
  • cover copy writing
  • cover copy editing
  • cover design
  • print book design and composition
  • ebook formatting
  • book one-page (flyer) design
  • create pull quotes

Publishing Services

  • keyword strategy
  • category selection strategy
  • setting up Amazon Author Central page
  • pricing strategy
  • publish on Ingramspark
  • book description writing
  • book description editing
  • author bio writing
  • author bio editing
  • copyright registration
  • Library of Congress registration
  • setting up ISBN
  • strategies for selecting imprint (publisher name)
  • traditional publisher (publishers and guidance to get published)
  • self-publishing project management /assisted self-publishing
  • The Literary Agent Matchmaker™️ Service - assisting writers with their approach to traditional publishers with a literary agent and small, medium, and large publishers without an agent
  • audiobook production - author reads
  • audiobook production - with paid narrator
  • audiobook - narrator

Book Launch Services

  • strategies to get 50+ Amazon reviews
  • strategies to relaunch a book
  • design virtual book launch party
  • emcee virtual book launch party
  • design in-person book launch party
  • moderate chat during virtual programs
  • relaunch campaign strategies with a focus on building a pipeline
  • strategies for high-profile book endorsements

Book Marketing Services

  • author platform-building strategies
  • email list-building strategies
  • marketing plan resources & consultation
  • LinkedIn for authors strategy
  • add book to Goodreads
  • social media - writing posts
  • social media - publishing posts
  • book festivals, guidance
  • book festival submissions, done-for-you
  • book awards, guidance
  • book award submissions, done-for-you
  • getting into bookstores, guidance
  • getting into libraries, guidance
  • podcast guest placement
  • speaking leads & booking support
  • speaker one-pager (one-sheet)
  • re-purpose books to create other types of content

Business Book Launch Services

  • coaching to identify the ideal reader/prospect
  • coaching to leverage the book to sell a separate product/service
  • coaching to discover likely prospects and referral partners from within the author's existing network
  • coaching to identify a lead magnet

Looking for more resources to help
you become a successful author?