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Jane Tabachnick

Jane Tabachnick & Co. works with mission-driven entrepreneurs who want to write a badass, big-impact book that elevates their visibility and takes their business to the next level.

They take a holistic approach to book writing, publishing, and promotion to help ensure authors succeed. They partner with experts to help them create high-quality self-published books that deliver results and ROI before the book is even published.

Jane and her team have helped launch over 250 bestselling books.

A gift for you...

How to Find Your
Winning Book Idea
A concise workbook designed to help you uncover your best topic for a bad-ass business-building book.

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Resources to help entrepreneurs become successful authors...

Writing Services

  • coaching
  • one-on-one (more than a single session)
  • group sessions with writing prompts
  • writing retreat, virtual
  • writing retreat, in-person

Book Cover Services

  • feedback about the title
  • cover copywriting
  • cover design

Book Design Services

  • print book design and composition
  • ebook formatting

Publishing Services

  • keyword strategy
  • category selection strategy
  • pricing strategy
  • book description writing
  • setting up Amazon Author Central page
  • copyright registration
  • Library of Congress registration
  • setting up ISBN
  • provide imprint (publisher name)
  • strategies for selecting imprint (publisher name)
  • publish on Ingramspark

Book Launch Services

  • strategies to get 50+ Amazon reviews
  • strategies to relaunch a book
  • strategy for getting high-profile book endorsements

Business Book Launch Coaching

  • coaching to identify the ideal reader/prospect
  • coaching to leverage the book to sell a separate product/service
  • coaching to discover likely prospects and referral partners from within the author's existing network

Looking for more resources to help
you become a successful author?