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Ellie Shefi

Ellie helms Made to Change the World Publishing, a full-service independent publishing house that helps entrepreneurs, speakers, leaders, coaches, and consultants write and publish best-selling books that build their businesses and brands.

While they work with diverse clients and topics, Ellie and her team are specialists in strategically crafting nonfiction business and brand-building books that can be comprehensively monetized and leveraged to position the author as the go-to expert in their field.

With over 100 years of combined experience, the award-winning team of ghostwriters, editors, formatters, cover designers, and launch strategists at Made to Change the World Publishing employ a comprehensive "strategy first" approach to bringing their clients' book visions to life.

Whether someone comes to them with a rough idea for a book or a completed draft manuscript, they begin by creating a business and monetization plan for the client's book, business, and brand. Once there's a clear monetization plan in place, the team works with the author to reverse-engineer the book so that the book becomes an effective client acquisition, client connection, and client conversion tool that results in increased visibility, credibility, authority, impact, and income for the author's business and brand.

With two attorneys on the publishing house team, they also fiercely protect their clients' intellectual property, ensuring that every client owns the copyright for their book, maintains exclusive dominion and control over their manuscript, and receives 100% of their royalties. They ensure that their clients don't fall prey to common traps, including hidden exclusivity provisions. They believe that every client should own and control their individual work, and they ensure that each client is protected every step of the way!

The Made to Change the World Publishing team believes each book should reflect the client's unique vision, mission, message, business, and brand. Accordingly, everything they do is 100% custom for each client! No templates! No shortcuts! No cookie-cutter assembly lines ... EVER! With unparalleled attention to detail, Made to Change the World Publishing provides world-class, individualized services to their clientele, and they are proud to say they have a 100% track record of successfully publishing and launching #1 bestsellers!

A gift for you...

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Resources to help you outline your book in 10 minutes or less, overcome writer's block, and pick your publication path.

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Ellie Shefi is holding her six books and has a huge smile

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Resources to help entrepreneurs become successful authors...

Writing Services

  • ghost writing
  • strategy session, complimentary 15-30 minute
  • strategy session, one or two-hour
  • author mastermind
  • coaching, one-on-one (more than a single session)
  • writing retreat, in-person
  • asynchronous content (e.g., online course)
  • re-purposing content to create a book

Editing Services

  • developmental editing
  • manuscript editing
  • copy editing
  • proofreading

Book Proposal Services

  • manuscript evaluation
  • query letter writing
  • query letter editing
  • book proposal evaluations
  • book proposal writing
  • book proposal editing

Book Cover Services

  • feedback about the title
  • cover copy writing
  • cover copy editing
  • cover design

Book Design Services

  • print book design and composition
  • ebook formatting
  • book one-pager (flyer) design
  • create pull quotes

Publishing Services

  • keyword strategy
  • category selection strategy
  • pricing strategy
  • book description writing
  • book description editing
  • author bio writing
  • author bio editing
  • setting up Amazon Author Central page
  • copyright registration
  • setting up ISBN
  • hybrid publishing (provide imprint name)
  • self-publishing project management/assisted self-publishing
  • strategies for selecting imprint (publisher name)
  • publish on Ingramspark
  • legal services
  • extended ebook distribution (Apple Books, Nook, Kobo, etc.)
  • legal services (protect IP, negotiate contracts)

Book Launch Services

  • relaunch campaign strategies with a focus on building a pipeline
  • strategies to build a 100+ person launch team
  • strategies to get 50+ Amazon reviews
  • strategies to relaunch a book
  • strategy for getting high-profile book endorsements

Book Marketing Services

  • author platform-building strategies
  • email list-building strategies
  • book festivals, guidance
  • book awards, guidance
  • getting into bookstores, guidance
  • getting into libraries, guidance
  • website design
  • marketing plan resources and consultation
  • re-purpose books to create other types of content (social posts, courses, workshops, etc.)

Business Book Launch Coaching

  • coaching to identify the ideal reader/prospect
  • coaching to leverage the book to sell a separate product/service
  • coaching to discover likely prospects and referral partners from within the author's existing network

Looking for more resources to help
you become a successful author?