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Dave Bricker

Dave offers high-end book design (covers and interiors) for authors who want to produce the highest quality books.

He's written and published 14 books of his own and produced at least 60 books for others, ranging from memoirs to novels to business books.

He writes and speaks on storytelling—what to say, how to say it, and why they'll buy it. Together, you'll discuss not just your book design but your overall publishing success strategy and how you'll reach your goals.

He has a master's degree in graphic design and understands how to avoid "comfortable clichés" while making type sing. He also understands the technicalities of the printing and publishing process.

A gift for you...

The Writer's Guide to
Powerful Prose
A short book on writing style. You'll be a better writer by the time you finish this brief and delightful book.

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Resources to help entrepreneurs become successful authors...

Writing Services

  • complimentary 15-30 minute strategy session
  • one or two-hour strategy session
  • author mastermind

Editing Services

  • developmental editing
  • manuscript editing
  • copy editing

Book Proposal Services

  • manuscript evaluation

Book Cover Services

  • cover copy writing
  • cover copy editing
  • cover design

Book Design Services

  • print book design and layout
  • ebook formatting

Publishing Services

  • author bio writing
  • author bio editing
  • copyright registration
  • Library of Congress registration
  • setting up ISBN
  • publish on Ingramspark

Business Book Coaching

  • coaching to identify the ideal reader/prospect

Looking for more resources to help
you become a successful author?