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Cathy Fyock

Cathy's ideal client is a professional or thought leader who wants to write a book as a platform development strategy. Her typical clients need a new book to uplevel their platform--whether it be speaking, consulting, coaching, or some other business or ministry that wants to inform and influence their markets. Cathy's clients are working on nonfiction books and typically would rather work in their area of expertise than write a book!

Her sweet spot is helping authors write the right book to propel their platforms and strategically align their books with their business or ministry. She begins with a strategy session to help the author gain clarity and focus, then meets weekly with authors over a six-month period. She offers a robust menu of services within this six-month coaching package: access to her books, her online course, weekly access to her group coaching cohort (PAGES), access to her Speaker Author Mastermind for book promotion once the manuscript is 80% complete, and more. She is the author's cheerleader, accountability partner, problem-solver, and resource guide. She has the author's back!

Cathy has created a nurturing community of authors who share best practices, ideas, resources, and more. Even after the book is published, she offers Alum Reunions to reunite authors to celebrate successes and share best practices in this dynamic and changing business of book authorship and publishing.

A gift for you...

Tips to write
About the Author
For your book, for your bio, and/or for introductions.

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Cathy Fyock is a white woman with short gray hair and a big smile

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Resources to help entrepreneurs become successful authors...

Writing Services

  • strategy session, complimentary 15-30 minute
  • strategy session, one or two-hour
  • group coaching, weekly
  • group sessions, with writing prompts
  • group writing sessions, with "hot seat" coaching
  • author mastermind
  • coaching, one-on-one (more than a single session)
  • accountability partners
  • office hours
  • writing retreat, virtual
  • writing retreat, in-person
  • writing "challenge" (e.g., Five-Day Challenge)
  • asynchronous content (e.g., online course)

Editing Services

  • developmental editing (also helps authors create an editorial board to provide developmental support)

Book Proposal Services

  • manuscript evaluation

Book Cover Services

  • feedback about the title
  • cover copy writing

Book Design Services

  • create pull-quotes

Publishing Services

  • pricing strategy
  • book description writing
  • author bio writing
  • referral to publishing partners

Book Launch Services

  • design virtual book launch party
  • emcee virtual book launch party
  • design in-person book launch party
  • moderate chat during virtual programs
  • Speaker Author Mastermind programs allow authors to present their launch plan to their fellow authors for ideas on strengthening their launch

Book Marketing Services

  • author platform-building strategies
  • book festivals, guidance

Business Book Launch Coaching

  • coaching to identify the ideal reader/prospect
  • coaching to leverage the book to sell a separate product/service
  • coaching to discover likely prospects and referral partners from within the author's existing network

Looking for more resources to help
you become a successful author?