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Bobbie Carlton

Our best client is a female author who speaks and creates business books. We work with many different kinds of authors, but we have the most direct offerings for business book authors.

Innovation Women is an online, self-service database of professional women. The goal is ending #AllMalePanels and getting more women onstage in order to drive business and career success. Event managers, conference organizers, podcasters, and journalists get free accounts on the site so they can search the database and connect directly with our members or post calls for speakers. Speakers can access the database of speaking opportunities.

As an Innovation Women member, women get visibility opportunities in several ways:

• Event managers and journalists can connect with members directly through the platform.

• Members receive an exclusive weekly newsletter with opportunities and can apply for opportunities right on the site.

• Innovation Women’s “sister publication”, Lioness Magazine, allows members to contribute articles for increased thought leadership positioning (and has a book of the week feature for books targeting female entrepreneurs.)

Innovation Women promotes members' speaking engagements (and books and projects) through the website, newsletter, and social media. We even have our own bookstore that helps authors/speakers gain more visibility for themselves and their books.

Unlike a traditional speaker bureau, IW does not take a percentage if you get paid to speak. An annual membership/speaker profile is $120 and includes access to the bookstore, IW promotions, and more.

Innovation Women is owned by Bobbie Carlton. Bobbie is also the founder and owner of Carlton PR & Marketing and offers a number of related services through her marketing firm.

A gift for you...

The Innovation Women Speaker Compensation Guide
Includes information relevant to authors.

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Resources to help entrepreneurs become successful authors...

Writing Services

  • strategy session, complimentary 15-30 minute
  • strategy session, one or two-hour
  • coaching, one-on-one (more than a single session)
  • office hours
  • asynchronous content (e.g., online course)

Editing Services

  • developmental editing
  • manuscript editing
  • copy editing
  • proofreading

Book Proposal Services

  • query letter writing
  • query letter editing
  • book proposal evaluations

Book Cover Services

  • feedback about the title

Publishing Services

  • book description writing
  • book description editing
  • author bio writing
  • author bio editing

Book Launch Services

  • strategies to relaunch a book
  • design in-person book launch party
  • moderate chat during virtual programs

Book Marketing Services

  • author platform-building strategie
  • email list-building strategies
  • social media - writing posts
  • social media - publishing posts
  • promote the book to our list
  • book award submissions, done-for-you
  • podcast guest placement
  • podcast launch services
  • PR services
  • LinkedIn for authors strategy
  • website design

Business Book Launch Coaching

  • coaching to identify the ideal reader/prospect

Looking for more resources to help
you become a successful author?